Ecology of Caribbean Marine Megafauna

If you see it, snap it, and send it!

The Power to Take Action is in the Palm of Your Hand 

See whales, dolphins, sea turtles, sharks, and other marine megafauna?  

MCERC mobile app is easy and quick. Tap, click, take video and photos, and send!


Manatee Citizen Science research (below) is one example of active participation by visitors and residents of Florida and the Caribbean Islands of the Greater Antilles . Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic, and Haiti Marine meagafauna projects are posted on our social media platforms during data collecting seasons.


You very literally have power to advocate for the species and habitats of the ocean in the palm of your hand. Every time you tap in your observations while on vacation or where you live through your smart phone, you are directly adding your voice to the science applied to policies by marine managers.


If you see it, snap it, then send it!

Unsure if MCERC is studying the species you see? 

Tap and submit your observations. We’ll get it into the right hands!

MMM_0813 manatee puss
Boop the snoot to learn fun facts about manatees and dugongs!

Watch the step-by-step video below and you’ll be equipped as an MCERC citizen scientist. 

We also created a step-by-step powerpoint presentation to show you the Epicollect process!

MMM_0813 manatee puss
Boop the snoot to learn fun facts about manatees and dugongs!

Announcements and updates about our research are often posted on social media. You can follow us here:

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Copyright and photo credit information All images posted to the MCERC website are copyright protected. Images are the property of MCERC or the original photographer who has granted MCERC expressed permission in writing for use of their images. Photographs shall not be reproduced or shared for any purpose unless the owner of the images has given permission in writing.